Imports for the UK


On these pages (click the links above) you will find records that were pressed in other countries for the UK market, these records were pressed either to fill a shortfall in UK copies or because they were cheaper, in the early seventies this was mainly due to the three day week. The record labels differ from the pressings that the countries produced for their own market and in some instances are the only version.

I also show these singles with the other pressings from their country where applicable.

Rebel Rebel was only released in the ‘phased’ version in the US, the normal version was pressed in the US for the UK market only and most Rebel Rebel singles bought in UK shops on it’s release in 1974 were US imports, UK pressed Rebel Rebel singles are hard to find.

Diamond Dogs and Rock ‘N’ Roll Suicide were not issued in the USA, they were just pressed there for the UK market.

Diamond Dogs was not issued in Canada but large amounts of Diamond Dogs singles bought in the UK on it’s release were Canadian pressings.

These are the singles that were released in the USA in 1974; Rebel Rebel (‘Phased’ version), 1984 (Diamond Dogs - version), Rock ‘N’ Roll With Me (David Live - version), Changes (Re-released). Canada released the same minus 1984.

As well as the singles above that were made for the UK, there were a lot of other singles that were on sale in the UK that were straight imports - I.E. singles that were the same as the Issues/stock copies that were on sale in their respective countries.

Some of the US stock pressings that were on sale in the UK/Europe had stickers over the ‘Nipper Graphic’, this was due to the fact that RCA didn’t own the rights to this logo in Europe, in Europe it was owned by EMI/HMV.

This example has stickers over both ‘Nipper Graphics’ and a further sticker on the sleeve stating the copyright laws in the UK. This is not necessarily the norm as most copies were just the same as US stock copies.